Senin, 29 September 2014

Thank God for one more chance to feel the adventure in Bali. The grand theme of this trip was: in the name of experience.

Well it wasn't really about Bali but also Nusa Tenggara Barat trip! Yeyyyy!  Everything was started from Gubeng Railway Station.  I didn't know why i really love to have train trip to Bali. Even it takes super long way to be passed.

I took direct ticket from Surabaya to Denpasar. The Damri bus would pick me up on the station once the train arrived to Banyuwangi,  the last station before accessing ferry in Selat Bali.

But what happened was a bit annoying.  The officer said that the bus would wait in Gilimanuk Port in Bali, so the passanger must moved to the port (it was actually super near, 5 mins on foot) by themselves (the officer took us to the public car with uncomfortable seat to the port). What supposed to be happened was: after arriving station, we ll go to the bus,  and jumped to ferry, and move back to the bus to go to Denpasar.

I was so disappointed by all this thing. Particularly when the officer explained us that there was miscommunication between bus officer and train officer about the amount pf passanger who would go with bus. They thought they won't go to Banyuwangi only for 10 passengers.  Then an old lady angrily shouted him: "So if we just people of 10, you won't pick us up? But how about your service to us? That's what you promised us, so we purchased the ticket. I promise to write this to the newspaper.  You didn't know to whom you speak to!"

Well I guess it represented all pasanger's feeling.  Thank you,  Aunty.

For you guys who wants to go with ferry, as I explained before, you can stop in Banyuwangi station and move to Ketapang port on foot.  Just walk out from the station gate and turn right. Walk along the left side and you ll see very big sign of the port.

Go grab your ferry ticket for 6,500 IDR. After arriving Bali port, Gilimanuk; you can go with small bus in the  bus station after going out from the port for 35,000 IDR. Enjoy 3 hours trip to Ubung Bus Station in Denpasar throughout southern side of Bali. If you go with big bus, you will be dropped in Mengwi bus station and you have to continue to Ubung by other public transportations.

After arriving Ubung, you can go with motorcycle taxi or ojek in our local language for 20-25K IDR to Kuta or somewhere else.

To be continued.

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