Guys, after reading this story, you have responsibility to find the answer of many things when you visit Baduy one day. Because all experiences here are mine, are my feeling, are my perspective. If you are not sure about whether it's wrong or right, that's your duty since today to find the answer. Have a good trip fellas.
I reached Jakarta, and Andhika - or Jawa people call him - also was on his way from Bogor to Jakarta. Again we would have a trip, but we went there with another 50 people in group. We would go to Baduy Tribe.
Baduy is a tribe which is located in Banten Province. They are divided into two main group, Baduy Luar and Baduy Dalam. In this trip, I would stop until Baduy Luar, since it took shorter track to go, only 3 km on foot (around 1 hour tracking). And for Baduy Dalam, it took 4 hours with longer and killing track.
I estimated my time, if I started tracking from 1 pm. I would reach Baduy Dalam at 5 pm approximately, and I would be tired, and slept, and I couldn't enjoy it. Since took pictures in Baduy Dalam isn't allowed. And it was my first time came there, I needed to fulfill my curiosity so I need so many clicks for documentation. Considering that things, I stopped in Baduy Luar, where everything was more flexible.
In Ciboleger, our starting point; Jawa gave us briefing before starting the trip. He said: keep your spirit up, no negative feeling, don't break the rule in Baduy, be respectful to the locals.
During the trip, my boyfriend asked many things to the porter, Mang Herman from Baduy Luar. In Baduy Luar, we are allowed to take a bath using soap, shampoo, and toothpaste. Taking picture is allowed. And they are more open to visitors. All those things aren't allowed there in Baduy Dalam. Foreigner also isn't allowed to stay in Baduy Dalam. I didn't ask why.
Mang Herman walked with us while bringing somebody bag, it was heavy bag and he could bring it while talking without tired gesture at all. I even saw the boy of [around] 4 years old became a porter with his daddy.
He said, Baduy only has one Uun, the leader. And Jaro, easily, they are the assistant of Uun. People here live in balance, not too poor or rich, not too much in everything, and loves mother of nature.
He said that since he was kid, Baduy was opened for public, visitors come every weekend. In Baduy Dalam, visitors are allowed to stay one night. Not more than that.
During the trip, I saw plastic trashes everywhere. I kept questioning, was that because of visitors? Where are their brains, how dare they throw the trashes in other's homeland?!
And that's why I swore myself not to throw the trashes during the trip. Be more respectful to the landlords.
PS: Pictures are there in my instagram @diantikanin, feel free to take a look on it.
Tulisanmu sinple informatif hahah
BalasHapusThanks for reading Yas.