Kamis, 01 Mei 2014

It’s maybe late but I don’t care.

Dear boss. I really love to call you this way. How are you? Everything is good and super hectic I guess. New quarter is a new journey and I do believe that it’s so stressful to prepare anything to be on track.
It brought a tear in my eyes when I you’re elected few months ago. Unfortunately I wasn’t there to see your happy moment. Happy for you.

I remember last year, when you weren’t elected as a President. I didn’t have bravery to come and talk to you. I saw you sat on a chair. You were there but your eyes told me you were somewhere else. I didn’t think it’s good to ask you ‘how do you feel’. ‘are you ok?’ at that time. It wasn’t proper question for your situation anyway. But in my deepest heart, I said: Adrian, your turn isn’t coming yet.
But the day after the election, I found that it was me, who need a support from you. In a session about sharing or whatsoever…; you let us talk to you one by one. All of your VP. You asked anything you wanted to hear from us.

And it was my turn. While holding my hand and look into my eyes (it was a marriage propose pose anyway ahahha…) u said:

Lo hanya ga tau seberapa besar kemampuan lo. Lo belum menunjukkan itu. Mau bukti? Lihat, hampir semua proses lo jalanin sendiri. Lihat growth lo, padahal ga semua manajer lo lancar kerjaannya. Gua percaya sama lo. Lo harus bisa lebih percaya sama orang lain.

It was a slap. You knew me, how hard I put my trust to people. Because it was about my duty, my responsibility. You knew that I was too much about working alone. It wasn’t an essence to be a leader. You really broke my heart and woke me up at the same time.

You are a big guy with a big heart. Most of people only have a small heart. Failure from election didn’t let you to go away. You stay. A year developing this organization.

And now there you are, as a first man of this organization a year ahead. It’s not easy to be there, indeed. But there will be a light.

Good luck for one year ahead, we love Ardian, we do…

Good luck Joshua Suherman :D

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