Senin, 29 Desember 2014

Hidupku sebebas ini namun justru membebani. Memang kenapa kalau aku menganggur? Mana yang terpenting, aku bahagia menikmati hidup atau terkurung di belakang meja kerja demi disebut normal karena bekerja setelah kuliah?

Kalau nanti prosesku berakhir indah. Jangan sedih jika aku tak tergapai lagi oleh tanganmu.

Kamis, 18 Desember 2014

Eksotisme tanah Hindustan sudah saya ketahui jauh-jauh hari sebelum terbang ke Delhi. Saat mengurus Visa di Kedutaan Besar India di Jakarta, saya mendapat beberapa majalah pariwisata India, dan most visit places di beberapa provinsi yang berbeda. India memang kaya dengan tempat wisata yang tersebar dari utara dan selatan. Ide berkunjung ke Manali (Himachal Pradesh) muncul ketika kawan-kawan mahasiswa di Delhi menawarkan untuk pergi ke bagian utara India sekedar melihat rangkaian Pegunungan Himalaya, dan tentu saja, bermain salju. Ide yang sangat menyenangkan, terlebih karena saya dan empat teman saya yang sama-sama baru satu bulan di India memutuskan untuk backpacking jorney.

Saya dan empat teman saya tinggal di provinsi yang berbeda. Kami memutuskan untuk bertemu di Delhi. Tiga teman saya memulai perjalanannya dari Baroda (Gujarat) dan saya bersama salah seorang teman memulai perjalanan dari Jaipur (Rajasthan). Perjalanan dari Jaipur ke Delhi yang seharusnya hanya perlu lima jam harus kami tempuh enam jam karena kondisi jalan penghubung dua kota itu sedang dalam pembangunan. Bus kami berhenti di Bikaneer House, terminal pemberhentian khusus untuk bus dari Rajasthan. Akses bus dari dan ke Jaipur memang terbilang mudah, mengingat Jaipur adalah salah satu kota tujuan wisata di India. Perjalanan berikutnya akan kami mulai pada pukul 20.45 waktu setempat dengan angkutan paling murah untuk perjalanan lima belas jam menuju Manali. Setiap orang membayar Rs 500,00 (setara dengan Rp 112500,00). Awalnya saya shock, bus yang kawan-kawan Indonesia di India sebut sebagai bus kambing itu tampilannya memang tidak meyakinkan. Seperti halnya bus tua, jarak antara bangku kiri dan kanan sangat sempit, lorongnya hanya bisa dilalui orang satu per satu. Tapi saya tidak menyangsikan kebolehannya menjelajah rute panjang Delhi-Manali, anggap saja semakin tua semakin banyak pengalamannya. Bus kami malam itu membawa muatan penuh. Lampu warna kuning yang menerangi bus seolah mewakili kesederhanaan perjalanan lima mahasiswa Indonesia dengan kocek yang juga ‘sederhana’. Ramainya orang bercakap-cakap di dalam bus hanya bertahan beberapa jam, setelah itu suasana berangsur-angsur hening, semua orang tertidur.

Setelah tiga jam perjalanan, kami sampai di Chandigarh (Punjab). Semakin ke utara, udara semakin dingin. Saya pikir, bus tidak akan sering-sering berhenti, tak tahunya malam itu bus berhenti berkali-kali, untuk minum cay (teh susu khas India), driver shift, dan kebutuhan kamar mandi. Pukul dua pagi, bus mulai melewati medan berkelok-kelok, entah di daerah mana. Saya hanya menebak-nebak, bus mungkin sudah masuk provinsi Himachal Pradesh. Di luar sangat gelap dan lampu di dalam bus dimatikan. Saya memilih membungkus kaki saya ke dalam sepatu dan menyimpan tangan saya ke dalam saku jaket, hawa dingin semakin terasa, dan saya mulai mengantuk. Matahari belum terlihat saat saya terbangun pukul lima pagi, tanggal 27 Februari 2011. Kondektur bilang, bus akan sampai Manali pukul dua belas siang. Saya menghela napas, membayangkan harus tetap di dalam bus ini sampai tengah hari nanti. Pagi hari bus kami berhenti di Mandi. Perut saya sudah keroncongan, namun kami sepakat untuk tidak makan dulu sebelum sampai Manali, demi menghemat pengeluaran. Kami sudah mulai melihat puncak-puncak gunung yang diselimuti salju setelah meninggalkan Mandi. Bus kami sekali lagi berhenti di Kulu, dan itu menjadi pemberhentian terakhir sebelum mencapai Manali. Saya sudah tidak sabar, ingin cepat sampai dan makan karena kelaparan berat. Perjalanan semakin menyenangkan karena pemandangan tebing dan Pegunungan Himalaya sangat eksotis. Sepanjang jalan kami melihat sungai berbatu dan pohon-pohon yang masih meranggas karena musim dingin. Satu jam sebelum mencapai Manali, kami melewati terowongan gelap dan panjang yang diterangi lampu-lampu kuning di kiri-kanannya. Akhirnya pukul 12.30 waktu setempat, kami sampai di Manali.

Setelah mengisi perut, kami segera mencari penginapan. Kami hanya ingin menyewa satu kamar untuk lima orang. Beberapa orang menawarkan harga kamar yang cukup miring, namun kami belum mau menyerah, kami ingin mencari harga kamar paling murah yang bisa kami sewa. Akhirnya berkat kesabaran salah satu teman mencari informasi, kami mendapat satu kamar dengan harga sewa setara Rp 28.000,00 per orang untuk empat hari sewa. Kami tidur berdesak-desakan di tempat tidur double bad dengan sembilan selimut yang diberikan pemilik penginapan. Malam itu kami tutup dengan makan malam mie instan setelah gagal menemukan restoran yang buka di malam hari di sekitar tempat kami menginap.
Pagi hari tanggal 28 Februari 2011, langit berawan dan cuaca tidak sedingin yang saya bayangkan. Pemilik penginapan mengatakan, semakin berawan langit, udara justru semakin hangat; dan sebaliknya, ketika langit cerah, udara menjadi sangat dingin. Kami menyewa mobil untuk mencapai play ground di Solang Valley. Dengan menyewa mobil seharga Rs 600,00, saya dan teman-teman dapat mencapai lembah yang berjarak dua kilometer dari penginapan. Setelah menyewa sepatu boots dan baju seharga Rs 150,00 kami siap beraksi di atas salju. Wahana permainan yang tersedia sangat banyak, sebagaimana daerah wisata bersalju kebanyakan. Saya sangat tertarik mencoba paragliding. Dengan membayar Rs 500,00 , saya berkesempatan untuk terbang kurang dari lima menit di atas lembah. Perjalanan mendaki ke start spot sangat melelahkan. Saya yang tidak terbiasa mendaki harus berhenti berkali-kali sebelum akhirnya sampai. Berbeda sekali dengan pilot yang membawa saya terbang. Dengan membawa parasut di punggungnya, dia mendaki sambil berlari dan bilang “Joldi chalo!” kepada saya, yang artinya menyuruh saya berjalan lebih cepat. Wajar saja, saya bisa membayangkan dia belasan kali naik turun bukit sebagai konsekuensi pekerjaannya. Meskipun hanya beberapa saat, pengalaman paragliding di Solang Valley sangat menyenangkan. Saya tidak ingin mencoba wahana lainnya karena uang saya semakin menipis. Berikutnya, saya menghabiskan waktu bersama teman-teman senasib saya membuat boneka salju yang saya dandani mirip rapper, berguling-guling di atas salju, dan mengabadikan momen-momen di Solang Valley bersama teman-teman hebat saya.

Kami memutuskan naik bus kelas bisnis menuju Delhi. Sedikit mangkel ternyata harga tiketnya cuma beda Rs 50,00 dari harga bus kambing. Saya senang karena bisa tidur dengan nyaman, dengan seat yang lebih empuk dan suara mesin yang tidak menderu-deru dengan keras. Tidak disangka, kami berlima malah mabuk perjalanan. Saya bahkan harus minum obat masuk angin dua kali. Perut rasanya diaduk-aduk dan kepala pusing luar biasa. Sopir bus mengendarai busnya dengan ugal-ugalan di jalan berkelok-kelok Manali menjuju Chandigarh. Saya kemudian berpikir, memang lebih baik naik bus jelek yang jalannya mau tidak mau harus pelan-pelan, daripada naik bus yang mesinnya lebih bagus, tapi bikin sopir khilaf mengendarainya dengan keut-kebutan. Hasilnya, perjalanan Manali-Delhi dapat kami tempuh dalam waktu 13 jam. Dua jam lebih singkat dari waktu keberangkatan kami menuju Manali.

Overall, saya benar-benar merasakan pengalaman hebat karena berhasil menjelajah provinsi di wilayah utara India dengan harga sangat murah. Semoga cerita nekad saya dan teman-teman dapat menginspirasi pembaca rubrik for her untuk menjelajah tempat-tempat eksotis suatu hari nanti. Dan terima kasih untuk pelajar-pelajar Indonesia di Delhi yang telah merekomendasikan Manali untuk petualangan saya yang sangat singkat di India.

Rs 1,00 = Rp 225,00

Diterbitkan di Jawa Pos, Kamis, 5 Mei 2011

Kamis, 04 Desember 2014

I got a bit tension in the beginning of the day.

The wave was a bit high that morning. I was scared if my snorkeling plan would be ruined by the weather. I went out from the place I stayed during there and asked the officer for payment process.

"Sorry Mam, cash only."
"You sure you cannot accept debet or credit card?"
"Sorry. Mam, you can take cash from ATM and come back again." So I was looking for one and only ATM in this island by motorcycle. Some souvenir seller yelled me, "WATCHOUT!" everytime the wave came to the edge of the road. Hahaha, that was fun.

Few minutes later I arrived to the ATM with the sign sticked on the door: We are sorry, ATM machine cannot be used now. Shit! I had no more cash!!!

And I was shock it was one and only ATM in Nusa Lembongan island, which also served Nusa Ceningan Island. That was so much different with Gili Trawangan which has ATM service from more than two banks.

I explained to the officer and he was so dissapointed and said,"They are silly! They prepare these islands for tourism and they provide only one machine. And they don't come to refill the cash on it. They put that machine only for display property!"

He asked me to go to money changer. They had EDC machine, so I paid my cash with debet transaction by that machine. And I got 5% charge for the transaction. Damn! It was my first time bought IDR by using debet card.

I paid him then I went to snorkeling spot. We started snorkeling around 1 pm and it was not best time to start it. First, because it's super hot in the afternoon. Second, the water is getting darker along with the sun ups to the west. Third, it made us in hurry since the boat had to arrive to the port before 3pm. The wave would lessened and it made the boat couldn't reach the beach. Better to start it around 10 in the morning, then you will have plenty of time to enjoy unlimited pleasure of underwater world.

I paid for 125K for 3 spots in the island. Baby, make sure you wear life jacket if it's your first time. I told you that because I got my first experience in Lembongan. Safety first! Anyway, I couldn't describe how was that under the sea. But Nusa Lembongan has super colorful fishes and corals with clear water that makes you feel comfortable when doing it.

I sat in the port before 4.30pm. No longer after that, the boat came. Small boat. The fast boat couldn't reach the beach. We were dropped to the fast boat after reaching hondreds meters from the beach. And I came back to main island, Bali. Couldn't be more happy to see ATM everywhere. :')

Senin, 01 Desember 2014

Bagaimana bisa kau membiarkan penghianatan seperti itu melukaimu, dan kau terlihat begitu tegarnya...? Apa kau benar - benar tidak merasa sakit? Sedikitpun tidak merasakan nyeri? Kau sepertinya mengingkarinya.

Aku mengagumi kesabaranmu. Aku pikir memaafkan orang yang telat satu jam dari jadwal adalah prestasi terbesarku soal bersabar. Lalu kau ini apa namanya bisa memaafkan orang yang [kau harus mengakuinya] melukaimu  dengan gampang? Kau masih merawatnya, menyiapkan obatnya, memilih tidak sakit hati karena kata - katanya, dan lagi - lagi memaafkannya.

Aku katakan padamu, aku tidak akan pernah melupakan alasannya, apa yang membuatnya terbaring kesakitan dan membuat kita hanya memperhatikannya selama ini. Kau memandangiku setelah kalimatku berakhir, lalu berkata: ikhlaslah, dia bapakmu.

Can't go home alone again
Need someone to numb the pain 

You're gone and I gotta stay
High all the time
To -high to-
High all the time
To -high to-
High all the time
To keep you off my mind
[Tove Lo]

Minggu, 23 November 2014

One of the costume theme in carnival

It was almost ten in the evening, finally Andhika, my tripmate came. He is my friend since in high school. He loves traveling like crazy, he loves Indonesia like nobody else. We would go to Jember for Jember Fashion Carnival 13 (JFC). It is annual festival held by Jember government to push the tourism sector in this small town. Adopted from the concept of Rio Carnival, this is great idea and becomes the role model for same events in other cities.

Dumb never cured. I forgot to order the room for us to stay there. I called many hotels and all were fully booked due to this festival. Then, one of the receptionist who sounds like a woman but actually a man offered me to check another hotel, after I told him that if I couldn't get a place to stay, I would stay in the train station, and I am a girl, and it would be terrifying. It sounded pitty enough to make him gave me a favor to find a room to stay. Thank God we got it. In a super creepy hotel.

In the morning, we went to city square, where the run way would be started. The parade was started around 3 in the afternoon. While waiting for the parade, we tried to catch up the crew to get VIP ID. By using that ID, we could stay in the performance stage,  not in the edge of the road along the runway.

And finally,  it was started based on the schedule. Me and Andhika got the ID, and we sat in the very nice spot where we could see the performance clearly. 

The concept of the festival was about showing the unique costumes based on the theme they have chosen. There were: Mahabharat, stalagmites, borobudur,jungle, kite,phoenix, etc.

To see their costumes go visit my instagram: @diantikanin. 

And finally the parade was over. Now we struggled for going back to the hotel,. The way to the hotel was in the same route with runway.  So we couldn't skip the crowd,  we walked together with the parade. The situation was a bit lost in control. People came forward and forced the talent to take picture with them. It made super long jam because of the undisciplined behavior. 

And we walked for 3,5 kms. That's so tiring because we walked so slow to pass the crowd.  We just moved back to the hotel and jumped to the swimming pool.

Why this parade is worth to attend :
1. International level
2. Great costume concept,  they seriously work on it
3. Annual event, so you can book your date there
4. Low budget, no need to take flight to Rio for such adorable carnival
5. Support local event.

And pictures of this carnival can be seen in my instagram: @diantikanin

Senin, 10 November 2014

Guys,  after reading this story, you have responsibility to find the answer of many things when you visit Baduy one day. Because all experiences here are mine, are my feeling, are my perspective. If you are not sure about whether it's wrong or right, that's your duty since today to find the answer. Have a good trip fellas.

I reached Jakarta, and Andhika - or Jawa people call him - also was on his way from Bogor to Jakarta. Again we would have a trip, but we went there with another 50 people in group. We would go to Baduy Tribe.

Baduy is a tribe which is located in Banten Province. They are divided into two main group,  Baduy Luar and Baduy Dalam. In this trip, I would stop until Baduy Luar, since it took shorter track to go, only 3 km on foot (around 1 hour tracking). And for Baduy Dalam, it took 4 hours with longer and killing track.

I estimated my time, if I started tracking from 1 pm. I would reach Baduy Dalam at 5 pm approximately, and I would be tired, and slept, and I couldn't enjoy it. Since took pictures in Baduy Dalam isn't allowed. And it was my first time came there, I needed to fulfill my curiosity so I need so many clicks for documentation. Considering that things, I stopped in Baduy Luar, where everything was more flexible.

In Ciboleger, our starting point; Jawa gave us briefing before starting the trip. He said: keep your spirit up, no negative feeling, don't break the rule in Baduy, be respectful to the locals.

During the trip, my boyfriend asked many things to the porter, Mang Herman from Baduy Luar. In Baduy Luar, we are allowed to take a bath using soap, shampoo, and toothpaste. Taking picture is allowed. And they are more open to visitors. All those things aren't allowed there in Baduy Dalam. Foreigner also isn't allowed to stay in Baduy Dalam. I didn't ask why.

Mang Herman walked with us while bringing somebody bag, it was heavy bag and he could bring it while talking without tired gesture at all. I even saw the boy of [around] 4 years old became a porter with his daddy.

He said, Baduy only has one Uun, the leader. And Jaro, easily, they are the assistant of Uun. People here live in balance, not too poor or rich, not too much in everything, and loves mother of nature.

He said that since he was kid, Baduy was opened for public, visitors come every weekend. In Baduy Dalam, visitors are allowed to stay one night. Not more than that.

During the trip, I saw plastic trashes everywhere. I kept questioning, was that because of visitors?  Where are their brains, how dare they throw the trashes in other's homeland?!

And that's why I swore myself not to throw the trashes during the trip. Be more respectful to the landlords.

PS: Pictures are there in my instagram @diantikanin, feel free to take a look on it.


Selasa, 04 November 2014

I put all of the stuffs in my room and ready to go. I had a motorcycle there in the yard. We would go across the bridge to Nusa Ceningan.  Rara was so excited for cliff jumping.
From Jungut Batu, you will go through the road climbed to the upper side of the island in few minutes.  Be careful, the road is not friendly for high speed movement.

The scenery from the upper side was perfect. In the afternoon, the ocean water is bright and you can see the gradation of colors on it. The coastline goes wider, in the afternoon the water wave goes short and that's the right time for local people to get down and pick up the sea weed. They will put it on their yard or back yard or on the edge of the street to dry it. They use traditional way to process it.

I passed a graveyard too there. I couldn't imagine how dark this place at night,  in the upper side, there's no light at all along the road unless there's a resto or cafe which put the lights in front of their venue.  if you are not sure to go at night, considering the safety and motorcycle performance, better you stay nearby your room. That's why it's important for you to choose good place to stay, nearby restaurant or shop.

We passed a yellow bridge, one and only bridge to make Nusa Lembongan and Nusa Ceningan connected.

We moved and stuck, OMG there's no sign. We had map too and GPS, unlucky it didn't work, my position was stated in the middle of the sea. That's so frustrated. We moved to the very rough road and stuck. There were two boys walked there and we came closer to them.

"Do you know where the cliff jumping is?"
He desperately said, "We are looking for the same place. "
And we just left them away.

Shortly, after asked a local, we found the cliff jumping area. And... the gate was locked. What the hell!!! Rara ran to the cafe right in fornt of the area.

"Could you please tell me where is the staff, Mas? I want to do cliff jumping."
With a pocker face the mas - mas said,"It is closed."
"Since a year a go."



Minggu, 02 November 2014

Everything moves very fast. Probably that's how we describe todays world. People business has high demand to be transformed into new level due to the growth of technology that make all activities be able to be done efficiently. The development of technology in cyberspace bring a new trend called virtual office.

Virtual office is a new way of working which makes people can work remotely from their working place. How can it be happened?

Imagine when you start your business. You need to find the way to make all actions done efectively. In another hand, you need to control company expense to make your new born business stable. Yet, you need to settle somewhere for keep in touch with your team, your prospected client, and your partner that force you to have an office. By looking at the condition, virtual office is the most suitable option to answer the demand. Everything can be done in virtual working space, at the same time you can minimize the expense in office asset cost.

VOffice is one of company which offers us virtual office service. By using this service, it will be very possible for us to do our job at home, or while in business trip. VOffice has product packages with certain key features based on what we need, such as: office address in business area, professional call handling, fax service, and many other benefits. VOffice location is now available in 7 area 6 in Jakarta and 1 in Surabaya, and it will grow more.

VOffice office location and features

This is how VOffice work. First, the client decides in which area the office will be addressed. Based on client preference, VOffice offers three product packages with certain key fitures: Silver, Gold, Platinum. Beside mentioned above, the client will be provided with many services based on their choice, such as: telephone line, free meeting room, free notification for every document adressed to the client, call forwarding, pick up air port service in all VOffice branch in Indonesia, teleconference service, web design service, etc.

Meeting room available for client

Those key features are very helpful to handle the office activity everywhere we are, while maintaining our company brand image professionally. For new company, it is very helpful to build company self confidence by having complete office component through VOffice. Say good bye to traffic jam which always be the big reason of time-wasting when we have appointment with client, we can handle teleconference with VOffice service. We won't miss any updates in office activities anymore, even when you are in Bali for vacation.

I am personally satisfied with VOffice website. It provides clear explanations for the customer to get more clear about VOffice service and price. I tried pop-up chat feature in VOffice website which is connected to the client consultants. They warmly serve the website visitors and give explanation we need about VOffice. I also got very quick response in my email after requesting VOffice service detail. Chat with them here, and feel the hospitality of service start from the beginning.

Pop-up chat menu connects website visitors to the consultant officer

This is not the only service we can have in VOffice. VOffice provides a service for company registration, both for Indonesian and foreigner who want to start the company in Indonesia. VOffice team will support all of the process and requirement needed, based on the procedure in Indonesia. Owning the company will be no more only a dream. Check how it works here.

With the jargon "A Big Business Image Without The Big Price Tag", VOffice informs us to feel the new experience in office hour activities with fair price and useful features. It brings office hour to the new definition. It is no more about people wake up every morning and go to the office, then sit to their chair, work with computer along the day, and go back home. Office routine now can be done everywhere as you expected. This is fun. We won't be trapped to boring routine all day long. This is how technology bring us to the new way of working.

Visit VOffice website:
Surabaya VOffice website:

Rabu, 15 Oktober 2014

The happiest thing in life is when your plan meet right person to make it happen.

So thank you Damara for being super fancy companion during my trip. Nusa Lembongan was actually her idea. One of her friend from France came to Bali for getting his diving license. So I came with them too for snorkeling, paid back what Gili Trawangan didn't give me when I went there.

The trip was started from Sanur Beach. Again, I met the sensation of fast boat smack. But God blessed me, it was only around 30 minutes trip. Paying for itinerary ticket, IDR 150K, we stopped in Jungut Batu Village. Then, walk along the street.

I couldn't deny that this place s so quiet and nice. And I could imagine what happened with this place when the night comes. Probably as calm as silent night moment. We stopped in a shop nearby big temple, something delicious was there, TIPAT!!!!!

It s Bali traditional food made from steamed rice covered with coconut leave. If you're Indonesian, it s actually ketupat. It s served with sprout, steamed vegetables, and peanut chili sauce. The price was super cheap, IDR 8K. Yumm!!!

Many homestays re there in the village,  you can choose one place which fits to your budget. I came there not in the peak season, so I didn't book the room, just go show. I got IDR 250K per night in a new place called Made Home Stay (if I am not mistaken). The rest, motorcycle renting for IDR 100K include fuel, since no gas station there. What I was thinking, if you really go to this island and plan for roaming around, no option, rent a motor. Even it is just an island, the distance between one to another is not kidding yaar (borrow Indian accent).

One more thing, bring enough cash! I told you my [a bit] suffering story about that.
There is no ATM in heaven, right? Dudududu...

Senin, 29 September 2014

Let's talk about Gili Trawangan trip. The most ridiculous trip I have ever planned in life. I was so dumb in arranging something, sometimes. And that day was the day I tortured my own trip plan.

I went to Poppies Lane I in Kuta to order shuttle bus - fast boat ticket to Gili Trawangan. I personally think that this is the most comfortable way for my self to go. Yes, if you want to, tou can go with another public boat to Gili, or even plane and stop in Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB) airport. But having trip with fast boat is something new. By purchasing this ticket, I didn't have to think about how I can go to Padang Bai port from Kuta. I got easier choice than pushing my self to go with low budget style.  I wasn't that poor at that time. Hahaha...

Marina Srikandi boat would depart at 1 in the afternoon. It takes 2 hrs to go there from Kuta. The trip was quiet nice, the weather is great as expected, and the wave wasn't high.

Gili Trawangan is a small island in the northeast of Bali, part of NTB province. My friend told me, I can roam around this island in two and half hours by riding bicycle. We can rent it there anyway.

My friend recommended me a bungalow to stay there. From the port, I turned left and passed The Art Market. Then, turn right to the street right beside the market. There is a bridge to the beach right in front of that street so you won't get lost to remark the way back to the bungalow.

It's called Bintang Bungalow.  They only have three rooms and the rent price is quiet cute. Everyone offers you 500K IDR for the first time, that's the minimum starting price. I got 350K IDR for the bungalow and I thought it was good enough. It consists of one bed with fine bathroom,  they only have shower water without water heater. This place is super cute since you can feel calm and relax here, again, this is island bro. Hahaha...

Anyway, if you miss Indonesian food, go to the front of the bungalow and get the nice price for all menu.

What was happened to me at that time actually about disorientation of date. I was suggested by my friend's sentence before heading to Gili: you go there,  find the bungalow, have a good eve, and tomorrow you can go to snorkeling spot before going back to Bali.

I obeyed her, without checking my booking plan that actually for two days. Not one day.

So everything was in rush.

Gili was a cute nice quiet calm island un the morning and gone bad in the evening.  There is a pub called Rudy's, one of outdoor cafe, or we can say beach club. The ambience was quiet nice,  one of good place to spend your night in the air of beat.

I packed my bag in the afternoon,  and ran to Marina Srikandi office to confirm my departure to Bali. I said good bye and see you soon to the bungalow officer and move there.
"I confirm my departure," I said nicely to the officer while giving the ticket.
"But Miss, it's for tomorrow, "
God damn stupid!!!
What I was thinking, I won't come back to bungalow and told him I got fucked by the date. That's so embarrassing.
"Really?  But I asked to go today. There must be a mistake while issuing my ticket by your officer! " I told him and blamed their side to secure my face.
"Can I check your payment confirmation?"
"I threw it to the trash bin. I thought you won't need it anymore," another lying drama had been stated.
"Alright,  that is okay as long as you don't switch your schedule, because it's not allowed," he started writing and gave it back to me and let me in to the boat.

Dear Sir, I am sorry for that. I accidentally changed my schedule because of my stupidity.

So Gili welcomed me only for a day. That's quiet sad. Hope to see you again Gili.  I even didn't get chance for snorkeling 😭

Thank God for one more chance to feel the adventure in Bali. The grand theme of this trip was: in the name of experience.

Well it wasn't really about Bali but also Nusa Tenggara Barat trip! Yeyyyy!  Everything was started from Gubeng Railway Station.  I didn't know why i really love to have train trip to Bali. Even it takes super long way to be passed.

I took direct ticket from Surabaya to Denpasar. The Damri bus would pick me up on the station once the train arrived to Banyuwangi,  the last station before accessing ferry in Selat Bali.

But what happened was a bit annoying.  The officer said that the bus would wait in Gilimanuk Port in Bali, so the passanger must moved to the port (it was actually super near, 5 mins on foot) by themselves (the officer took us to the public car with uncomfortable seat to the port). What supposed to be happened was: after arriving station, we ll go to the bus,  and jumped to ferry, and move back to the bus to go to Denpasar.

I was so disappointed by all this thing. Particularly when the officer explained us that there was miscommunication between bus officer and train officer about the amount pf passanger who would go with bus. They thought they won't go to Banyuwangi only for 10 passengers.  Then an old lady angrily shouted him: "So if we just people of 10, you won't pick us up? But how about your service to us? That's what you promised us, so we purchased the ticket. I promise to write this to the newspaper.  You didn't know to whom you speak to!"

Well I guess it represented all pasanger's feeling.  Thank you,  Aunty.

For you guys who wants to go with ferry, as I explained before, you can stop in Banyuwangi station and move to Ketapang port on foot.  Just walk out from the station gate and turn right. Walk along the left side and you ll see very big sign of the port.

Go grab your ferry ticket for 6,500 IDR. After arriving Bali port, Gilimanuk; you can go with small bus in the  bus station after going out from the port for 35,000 IDR. Enjoy 3 hours trip to Ubung Bus Station in Denpasar throughout southern side of Bali. If you go with big bus, you will be dropped in Mengwi bus station and you have to continue to Ubung by other public transportations.

After arriving Ubung, you can go with motorcycle taxi or ojek in our local language for 20-25K IDR to Kuta or somewhere else.

To be continued.

Jumat, 22 Agustus 2014

In the morning, we woke up late. And it happened almost every day when we there. The girls were busy with hair dressing and make up rituals. The one who woke up early was Andi the advisor. He was the one who said “Good morning” to us with the poker face mode. And we never said sorry for waking up late.
As I said, we stayed in a low price hotel called Arthawan in Poppies Lane. They served breakfast, yeah at least it helps you from starving in the morning.

We moved to Discovery Mall on Kartika Plaza Street. You can walk along the coast line and you can find this building easily. What was good about this place was the back yard of it. They have Kuta Beach scenery with white stone road in the edge of the building. We just had lunch and moved to another culinary destination in Seminyak.

Guys, trust to Google Maps from now. It helped us a lot in Bali. But yeah, it delivered us to the wrong direction too, but just forgave it. Locals are kind. They will help you when you get lost. That was I got from this trip too. Always think positive, because happiness is in your mind, right? Everything will be okay when you believe it.

Anyway, that’s our next destination. Motel Mexicola. Welcome to the colorful place with the sense of Mexico city. I won’t talk too much about this place. Just look into the pictures below. This is one of the perfect place to take pictures in your vacation.

The sun went down around 5 pm, we moved to Seminyak beach. We looked for La Plancha café. It has outdoor concept, with colorful umbrellas, colorful seats, and faces right to Seminyak Beach for perfect Sunset experiences. Oh God, that’s heaven! Anyway, they have nice Potato Wedges, and nice sisha too. No, I didn’t smoke sisha [at that time] due to high price. Indeed, it was not for me. But over all, it was head and shoulders above any outdoor café there. Have fun all.

Last stop was Stadium Resto in Kartika Plaza Street. It was 5 minutes only from Discovery Plaza on foot. The price was on the average rate in Bali. They have tasty mushroom cuisine. That was what I order for dinner. The most important thing about this place was the toilet. In the toilet were the pictures of ancient Balinese outfit.

Kamis, 21 Agustus 2014

Honestly, nothing can change the excitement of vacation with best friends. Laugh together, eat together, crazy together. Nothing can replace these moments.

There was a café called Gong. Do you know Poppies Lane 2? Yes, you can access the road from Billabong Ground Zero and then turn left. It is only 5 minutes from Ground Zero. I definitely love this place. It was just small café with variants of food, and the price is definitely… cheap!!! Gong was the place of us to have lunch or dinner during Bali trip. Yes we ate cheap meals for lunch, but we revenged for dinner.

We started chopping money like a millionaire in the evening. Seriously, we just a bunch of people who loves to enjoy our life while young and having enough money for make it true.

First move was  Kuta Beach Walk. Nothing is good here, just a mall with roof top garden. What we looked for was Churros. Have you heard about that? Spanish doughnut style served with sugar or dark chocolate. It’s [too] sweet for me. If you have problem with diabetes, better you avoid this cuisine.


Second move was Sky Garden Premier Dining and Night Club Complex. It was a building of clubs and resto on its roof top. What is good about this place for us? It was a promo of All You Can Eat with different themes of menu every day, from 5pm to 10m (last order 8.30pm). We pay only 50K IDR for eating till die in 2 hours. At that moment, we got barbecue menu. We ate like disaster victims, really. They provided us a big plate so we can maximize our performance in eating. Anyway, if you want to continue your night by having fun in the club, just stay inside the building after dinner. Because they will charge you when you go out to the building and come back again for night club party. But if you have enough money to have good party in an exclusive place, better you throw it there. No offense, but best place offers best experience.

I give up I give up I give up
Eat everything here

The wind blew too much and the ants from the tree were perfectly landed to our table. We were done, because they started biting us.

Lesson learned: outdoor could be the best place for everything, and it will be perfect without wind and ant attack.

Jumat, 15 Agustus 2014

Hello again,

Finally I have long enough time for wrapping up my Bali journey a week ago. And I tell you about the conclusion of this trip: DAEBAK!!!

I went there with four of my friends and met up with another one there. Our big achievement is about visiting popular spots in Bali as many as we can in five days. My friends did a research by utilizing blogs, iInstagram, website, and many more for searching favorite places to be visitied.

Let’s talk about how I reach Bali from Surabaya. As we know, both Surabaya and Denpasar are connected by international airports. Because we wanted to spend much money there for enjoying many places, we tried to decrease the cost for accommodation. Then, train was chosen. The most suitable one was KA Mutiara Selatan, departed from Gubeng Baru Station at 10 pm and reach Banyuwangi Baru Station around 4 am. 

The station provided the passenger the ticket price for reaching Denpasar too. Yet, the cost is a bit higher than the ticket to Banyuwangi Baru. From Banyuwangi Baru, we walked to Ketapang Port for crossing Bali Gulf by ferry. It was 5 o’clock when we departed from the port. Luckily, we got sunrise pleasure on board. We arrived Gilimanuk Port after thirty minutes journey. Then, the next step was about to find the bus to Denpasar. Anyway, for those who passed Gilimanuk Port, you have to show your ID Card to the officer before leaving the port. Never left it home or your journey will be ruined.

The Bus to Denpasar

The port officer suggested us to find the bus to (I don’t know whether Mengwi or) Ubung from the exit gate of the vessel. Yet, it is not as easy as he said. The main problem was about we didn’t know which one was the person in charge of the buses. Another factor was about we just too tired for thinking about how to find the best bus for reaching Ubung Bus Station in Denpasar. So we just moved to the port after arriving Gilimanuk Port. 

A guy of 30s with dark skin, messy hair, and Bali accent in speaking came to us and asked where we gotta go. We ended up with him. We surrendered and follow him to the bus that he told us. YES we expected big bus with airconditioner. And shit happened.

A minibus with super small seat space and no airconditioner welcomed us, and brought us to Ubung for three hours. Let’s forget about it, because the backache represented everything about our feeling during the trip. I felt like a standing banner with stiff legs. Two of my friends were busy with headbang motions during the trip. And one of them tried so hard for not falling asleep after his seat was taken by an old woman the conqueror. Thank God, the cost line along the road came as a medicine for this struggle.

Lets talk about the smart traveler. I borrow this term from my friend, Andi. According to him, it refers to those who manages every single step of the trip for getting the best plan for it (CMIIW). He is smart, in my opinion. At least he was the role model for me on this trip. For God sake, he was like the answer for all obstacles we faced during the trip. Andi, you must be blushing for this compliment. Hahaha…

First brilliant thing about him, he had initiative for finding a rent motorcycle nearby the terminal so we didn’t need to suffer for many more dramas after reaching Ubung Bus Station. Since, we need to reach Kuta, about 20 - 30 minutes from the station. The rent fare everywhere in Bali was same, 50K IDR per day. And thank you Brother for that.

The Legend of Arthawan

Kaskuser, Travel Blogger, I believe you guys know what is Arthawan. Yes, that's one of the most favorite low budget hotel in Bali. It was so famous around you guys and that’s why we stayed here during the trip. Located in Poppies Lane 2 with super cheap room fare, Arthawan becomes the legend among travelers who need low price for room rental. No reservation procedure available there. Who comes first gets first. They count the guest, not the room.

We estimated low budget for room rental, because we wanted to spend more for culinary experience. So, when you come to Bali, I hope you can make a priority for your trip. Whether you seek for pleasure, or you look for anything else. Manage your budget well, and day by day will be shiny.


Selasa, 03 Juni 2014

Thank God, for this age. Finally I reach this number. The number when most of young ladies decide to marry a man. The number when most of my friends have their first child. The number when I still have many plans to be done. The age when I still have many travel plans in my wish list. The age when I pray for my blessed career, adventure, romance, and prosperity in life.

Thank God, I born in the same day with Angelina Jolie. She inspires all the time. This is how she looks in 25. Gorgeous.

And this is me...

Thank God, this is the real time to manage everything by myself. Mom and Dad are no longer control over my decision almost in everything. Super glad for having this border, finally...

Thank God, my boyfriend keep sending me birthday cake. I wasn't with him in his birthday last year, and I only sent him birthday cake. He did it too in my birthday. Thank God, distance is not a big issue.

Thank God, this is how being wise is a must. It is the time to not to be too careful but be more careful.

Thank God, I learn how to dress up and make up in a right age. Not too young or too late.

Thank God, I still too young to be the President. It is a learning path to be the best version of me as human.

Thank God. Young lady must go on...

Sabtu, 31 Mei 2014

Tips yang paling utama adalah menghafal nama Kota Bangkok. Hahaha… Guyon… Soalnya saya juga terkesima dengan nama lengkapnya yang [terlalu] panjang:
"Krung Thep Mahanakhon Amon Rattanakosin Mahinthara Ayuthaya Mahadilok Phop Noppharat Ratchathani Burirom Udomratchaniwet Mahasathan Amon Piman Awatan Sathit Sakkathattiya Witsanukam Prasit."

“The city of angels, the great city, the residence of the Emerald Buddha, the impregnable city (unlike Ayutthaya) of God Indra, the grand capital of the world endowed with nine precious gems, the happy city, abounding in an enormous Royal Palace that resembles the heavenly abode where reigns the reincarnated god, a city given by Indra and built by Vishnukarn.”

Oke kan? Coba dihafal, siapa tahu ada manfaatnya…


Tata kota Bangkok dalam opini saya termasuk ramah pengunjung. Pusat kotanya terbagi dalam blok – blok yang dilalui oleh jalur sky way dan sky train yang pemberhentiannya disebut Bangkok Train Station (BTS). Jalur keretanya tergambar jelas di setiap pemberhentian, di balik tiket perjalanan, dan di peta - peta gratis yang disediakan di stasiun.

Jadi, jika ingin pergi ke manapun, temukan dulu BTS terdekat dari tujuan. Setelah sampai di BTS itu, langsung bisa lanjut dengan jalan kaki maupun naik taxi. BTS bisa memang paling praktis karena rate jelas dan tidak perlu tawar – menawar dengan masinisnya kan? Beda dengan taxi yang hobi sekali menolak penumpang. Terutama di jam - jam sibuk, mereka enggan memakai argometer.

Beberapa lokasi wisata bisa ditempuh dengan perahu. Misalnya Wat Arun, Wat Po, Grand Palace pun bisa. Lokasi mereka berdekatan, bahkan dari situ anda bisa langsung mengakses Khaosan Road. Seru loh terapung - apung di atas perahu motor melintasi Chao Praya. Atas nama experience, sebaiknya anda coba.

Bag Deposit di Bangkok

Nah, jika karena satu dan lain hal ternyata anda kerepotan membawa luggage. Misalnya, anda akan pulang pada hari itu namun anda masih ingin jalan – jalan sebentar; tanpa membawa kopor atau travel bag yang berat kemana - mana. Maka barang bawaan anda bisa dititipkan di Bag Deposit di MBK Mall lantai 6. FREE! Tapi karena sungkan dengan yang jaga, saya selipkan uang kecil di tip box - nya.

Right under the elevator, 6th floor

Musholanya Mana? Masuk Waktu Sholat Nih

Salah satu tempat favorit saya adalah Platinum Mall, karena friendly dengan umat Muslim. Bangunan ini punya mushola di lantai 2, tidak jauh dari lift, rest room, dan ATM. Jangan khawatir ketinggalan sholat jika sedang di sana. Beberapa sarana publik di Bangkok juga menyediakan tempat ibadah bagi umat Muslim, karena ada penduduk mereka yang juga memeluk Islam.

Harga Murah di Platinum Mall

Platinum dikenal sebagai surga belanja murah. Mau tahu bagaimana biar lebih murah? Ini tips dari Tika: bawa kopor kosong atau tas besar saat belanja. Why? Karena penjualnya langsung memberi harga grosir, bahkan di bawah harga grosir. Tergantung berapa jumlah pakaian yang anda beli, tapi yang jelas mereka pikir akan anda jual kembali. So they give you the best price.

Makanan Indonesia?

Ada. Di MBK, ada sebuah international food court namanya FOOD AVENUE. Konter di food court tersebut terbagi berdasarkan asal masakannya. Anda tinggal pilih mau masakan negara apa: Cina, Vietnam, India, Spanyol, Italia, Yunani, dan bahkan Indonesia jika anda sudah kangen tempe. 

Selamat menikmati indahnya Bangkok.